Saturday, July 12, 2014

How to Easily Build a Powerful Employees' Performance

If you have your own business or you drive a company, I believe you are always looking to drive this business or this company forward! But the question is; can you do it alone? Or you need other elements to support you and keep your business in sustainable framework!

Did you ask yourself if your employees giving your company their all? Do they believe that what they're doing is important? Do they feel appreciated? Do they show up for work each day filled with passion and purpose?

For business leaders in any organization of any sizes, the writing's on the wall: You can make and save money by keeping employees engaged.

From my perspective I would say; to make your workers more engaged, more satisfied at work, and more likely to stay at your company--try adopting these sustainable work practices.

Every company wants to drive sustainable high performance from employees. But many leaders make the mistake of not starting with themselves.  As a leader, what is say is important. But it's what you do that is mirrored by your employees. If you want your employees to perform at a high level and not burn out, you better take on sustainable work behavior on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. 

Fact says that many bosses practice unsustainable work behavior, leading to stressed and unhappy employees who are distracted by their search for their next job. According to a Harvard Business Review study, only 25 percent of 19,000 employees from around the world said their leaders model sustainable work practices! 

For instance, organizational leadership or managers support have been identified as key determinants of the success of organizational environmental initiatives (e.g., Ramus & Steger, 2000). Leadership plays a role both in communicating the importance placed upon environmentally sustainable behavior by the organization and in providing a role model for the desired action. Furthermore, the opportunities for employees to be able to engage in environmentally sustainable work behavior can strongly influence action.

Today's entrepreneurs must make it a priority to get to know their employees so they can provide whatever's needed to keep them fully engaged in what they do. This creates wins for everyone and helps to boost company performance.
In this article I would list below four fundamental way or behaviors you should be modeling that help to enhance your employees’ performance, which will be reflected positively on your company growth

Encourage Vacation.
What is your company’s policy on vacation? How do they encourage (or discourage) employees to take vacations and breaks? Take one yourself.  Do you encourage your employees to take lunch out of the office, take short breaks, and go on vacation? You need to do all of those things, too. It's not just so they work harder, more efficiently, and line your company's pockets with more revenue. It's to ensure they are less likely to quit. I would strongly say, employees are more likely to come back refreshed and full of new ideas. When an employee returns from a well-deserved vacation, you will begin to see their work progress and their attitude improves.

Don't email over the weekend.
If you email late at night and over the weekend, what kind of message do you think that sends to your employees? Even if you say explicitly "I don't expect a reply over the weekend," what do you think someone under your employ is going to do? "But once again, their behavior speaks louder than their words. If you feel compelled to write emails at all hours, I would suggest to park them in your draft folders and push the send button during working hours!. During office hours do you expect an automatic reply? It's important for everyone to have some time to concentrate on their work without distraction. 

Show appreciation, Reward and recognize employees.
Employees have emotional needs that need to be met at work. If you do not recognize and appreciate your subordinates, they'll leave you and get it somewhere else. There is a study shown "findings strongly confirmed the adage that 'people don't leave organizations, they leave leaders.' When employees in this study felt valued by their leaders, for example, they were 1.3 times more likely to stay with the company," the duo writes. Remember to celebrate both accomplishments and efforts to give employees working on long-term goals a boost.

Clearly communicate about your company goals
Employees can't perform well or be productive if they don't clearly know what it is they're there to do and the part they play in the overall success of the company. Be sure to communicate your expectations--and to do it often. Leaders or Managers need to fulfill employee's spiritual level too!


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